About the Project

In this project, group members Maria and Anna will be addressing Romanticism through satire. We are to create a video illustrating this satire as well as give histroical background. Our actors will be our little brothers and sisters, so as to address the Romanticism's belief in maintaining innocence. Our progress on this project will be posted in both picture and video form.  

What is Romanticism?

Contrary to poular thought, Romanticism has very little to do with being "romantic." Stretching from about 1789-1832, the Romantic movement stressed emotion, intuition, and imagination. It was also a reaction in response to the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. Romantic thinkers saw the Age of Reason and its birth to the Industrial Revolution as an attempt to tame nature and the all important individual
Juiceliina. 'Romanticism'. 22 July. 2009. Online video clip. Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zADECqE9BE. Accessed on 25 May, 2010.

What is Industrialism?

Occuring roughtly from 1873-1901, Industrialism dealt with the harsh reality of life and believed there to be cruelty in nature. It focused on a person's contributions to society and how you could help the most people with the least amount of pain. Machinery replaced the person and an emphasis was placed on the importance of new inventions. It brought about not only industrial changes, but also social changes as the working class began to emerge. Britain went from a largely rural, agrarian population to a country of industrialized towns, factories, mines and workshops.                                             

Ge0rge0rwell. "History of Britain Clip, Victorian Era; industrialization". 22 Apr. 2007. Online video clip. Youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MllrnSZxTkY. Accessed on 25 May, 2010.

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